So, being that IMATS is right around the corner (IMATS NY is being held April 10-12) I decided to dedicate a blog post with some tips. Last year was my first time attending IMATS, and it was such an overwhelming experience. Unfortunately I had to attend the event all by myself, I was nervous, and I didn't know what to expect!
1. Get familiar with the floor plan and exhibitor list- Go to the IMATS website and look at the floor plan and the vendors that will be there. This will help you plan out your day, and you'll know where everything is. This helped me out so much!
2. Make a list of the things you want to purchase- By looking at the exhibitor list, you'll know who's there, and making a list of the things you want from different booths is essential! Trust me, once you get there it will be pretty much chaotic, and you don't want to go home and realize you forgot to purchase something!
3. Wear comfortable shoes! I can't stress this enough. Of course you want to look as cute as possible, but make sure to wear comfy shoes! You WILL be on your feet all day. Unless you have no problem walking in heels all day and not feel the pain after a few hours of wear, then by all means - go ahead.
4. Make sure to get enough rest the night before- I didn't realize how draining IMATS can be, so make sure you get enough rest the night before.
5. Budget! Unless you've got an unlimited amour of money to spend, you may want to keep track of how much you want to spend. Bringing a certain amount of cash may help you with not overspending.
6. Eat breakfast before you go- You will be there for hours. Yes, there are food vendors there but from what I saw last year, the line to just get some food was ridiculous! Have a snack and a bottle of water with you, you will need it at some point during the day.
7. Have ALOT of patience- You might get pushed, shoved, stepped on, and on top of that you may be on a ridiculously long line, and may take you forever to get to purchase that item you wanted. Patience is key.
8. Pack light- You will most likely end up carrying quite a few bags by the end of the day, and carrying tons of extra things you don't need won't help. Carry only your essentials!
9. Bring your digital camera, cell phone and charger! You are going to want to take pictures throughout the day, especially if you are a blogger/ YouTuber. If you have extra batteries, even better.
You are there to shop, network, make new memories, meet your favorite makeup artist and YouTube beauty gurus. Remember to have fun in the middle of it all!
If any of you are attending IMATS on April 12th and would like to meet up, please let me know in the comments below or you can always contact me through through one of the social media links on the sidebar!

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